Thank you to everybody who believed in Dansii and who helped bring it to life <3
Body 1: Chris Arndt, Ross Breen, Isabelle Campagne, Margaret Campbell, Jan Carstoniu, Elizabeth Cotman, Sophie Gordon, David Greenberg, Luke Gruntz, Brynne Harper, Lauren Janeway, Kevin Marrin, Jack McKay, Lesley Mittelstaedt, David Norsworthy, Auburn Pailley, Mathilde Pailley, Marcus Pei, Carolyn Petro, Ayala Radcliffe, Charlotte Reid, Daniel Robert Smith, Sam Sutherland, Maya Tenzer, Eleonor van Veen
Body 2: Wesley Black, Karen Crossen, Jennifer Goad, Laurie Goad, Geoffrey Hogarth, Tim Hogarth, Tracy Kagan, Mel Lederman, Kim Lutes McKay, Tony Manship, Andy Mittelstaedt, Sam Mittelstaedt, Judy Moore Vey, Toshie Okabe, Rick Perotto, Angela Reeves, Geri Sanson, Ilona Scharer, Arthur Stashak, Susan Stevenson, Bryan Sturges, Gander Tawaststjerna, Bimbrok Marble, WES Plastic
Body 3: Anonymous, Cayley Family, Antonia Ricker, Williams & Stewart Ltd.
Body 4: Cathay Stashak, Bob & Fern Mittelstaedt
“Williams & Stewart Associates is a Toronto-based urban design / architectural firm that supports the arts. I wish all the best to Dansii and know it will help to enhance the international dance community.” – Williams & Stewart Associates
“Having had the pleasure of a family member being involved in dance I can greatly appreciate the amount of hard work and determination required to achieve greatness. Dansii has created a platform that has incorporated the many tools needed to help the dance community at large. By becoming a member you will have many more resources at your fingertips to help you achieve your goals.” – Bob Mittelstaedt
“Dansii is a great idea. I worked for 7 years as the costume coordinator for Arts Umbrella Dance in Vancouver BC and watched hundreds of dancers in the program honing their creativity, maturity, professionalism, and integrity in dance. They graduate as young professionals, eager and prepared to begin a career. Dansii provides a platform for dancers, choreographers, teachers to connect and “make the world a better place through dance” (Artemis Gordon, Artistic Director of Arts Umbrella Dance).” – Ilona Scharer
“We are owner/operators of a real estate investment company and we know the difficulties and risks associated with getting a new business off the ground. We are excited to sponsor Dansii as we feel it offers the dance community a unique opportunity to share a global platform. We wish you all the best!” – Jacob & Angela

Because support feels good.
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